New Year - New Year Resolutions ?

January 04, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Lots of people make New Year Resolutions - I don't.... I like to set myself goals for the New Year and then have myself a little tick list to cross them off as I reach them :-)

You also need to make sure they aren't all totally unachievable or you will soon get fed up of them and not achieve anything.

If one of your goals is to improve your photography then I can help you with that.

equestrian photographer worcestershireequestrian photographer worcestershire

Remember, it doesn't matter what type of camera you have, even if you just have a point and shoot, there are still things that can be done to help you with framing and the use of natural/available light and/or flash.

So instead of beating yourself up every time you go out and come back with photos you're not that happy with, why not put that on your tick list for the New Year. Improving your photography can be done in a few simple steps and is always lots of fun.

Most people meet up with me and feel a little nervous about the learning process, but let's remember this isn't going to school, it's being out and about and actually having fun with your camera, I'm not judging you, I'm here to help you improve, to get better photos with the equipment that you have, not to talk you into spending money you don't need to on equipment you'll never need.

Whether you want to take better photos for your Instagram and Facebook feeds, or photos of your products for your website, I have all kinds of solutions that can help you to achieve this without costing a fortune.

equestrian photographer warwickshireequestrian photographer warwickshire


If you set yourself a couple of goals that you know you can definitely achieve, then set a couple of more challenging ones too, I'm sure before you know it you will have accomplished them all. If photography is on your "to do" list, this one I can help you with.

I offer one to one sessions or if there is a group of you I can do you a group rate, maximum of 6 people.

horse photographer Worcesterhorse photographer Worcester

So try and find that supportive voice within yourself and rather than curse yourself for being bad at things,taking bad photos, encourage yourself and take the time out for yourself to help improve at the things you want to be better at.

That doesn't just go for your photography that counts for everything. If you want to make a New Years Resolution,

why not make it "Being Kinder to Yourself".

Start with taking baby steps towards better photos and get in touch with me either by phone on 07885472010 or email me [email protected]

If you are interested in making money from your photography I can help with this too. I have a variety of courses targeting very specific areas of photography, to suit a wide range of people. Just drop me an email and let me know what you are interested in learning about.

Have a great year and be kind to yourself.




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