Business head shots for Social Media

March 15, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

A lot of you don't have great head shots, we try and take selfies, or we get our friends and family to take quick snaps for us to pop on our websites and think "that'll do", but when we put bad pictures of ourselves on our social media sites and websites, what does this say to potential customers ?

To me it says you don't care - and if you don't care if you are represented well in your photograph why should I think that you will care about the work that I might ask you to do ? Think about it... you don't buy products that have bad product images - so why would you buy into a person that can't be bothered to show themselves properly ?

I am currently offering a selection of business head shots - some are done inside some outside, you can have a couple of outfit/suit or blouse changes to create different looks etc. and get all of the images on disc - or you can have them as downloads from my online gallery whichever suits you, but we will get you 10 different photos in colour and then I also put them into black and white for you, giving you a selection of 20 images in total to use on different sites/brochures magazine etc so you're not having to use the same image over and over again for just £100.

Whatever you do, whatever you need your images for I have options to get you a great selection of shots that wont break the bank.


Whether you are a musician,  DJ, need them for flyers, websites, social media profiles or emails I have a choice of backgrounds to give you a selection of different looks.


If there are a group of you that need images done all from the same office/company you can book me to come to your work place if that's easier, so that your working day doesn't get too disrupted.

Please just call for an appointment or a quote for me to come to your office/place of work.






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