Product Photography To Improve your Online Sales

May 05, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

We all know that we buy with our eyes, if we see something that we love - and it looks lovely in the photograph we are far more likely to buy it than an image that doesn't look good. It doesn't matter what the product is, if it looks bad in the photo and we can't see it properly we will go to a website where we can view it properly - how many times have you looked on a website and seen the box where the image should be and the words in the box read "image coming soon" - and how many times have you bought the product anyway???? Well if you're like me you wont have done - you will go to the next website on the list where you can see the product and hopefully the image wont be a shoddy library or stock image it will show me the product from several angles and I will almost feel like I can feel it myself..... isn't that what good photography is all about ? Making your potential buyers feel like they are right there next to the product experiencing it as though they were in a shop alongside it?

Jewellery Photography BirminghamJewellery Photography Birmingham I buy more products online nowadays than I do by actually visiting the shops......

If I go to a website with bad photography I don't stay there, I look elsewhere. These silver lockets with Swarovski crystals are by Encanto Jewellery - lovely products and you can choose the charms that go inside them - meaning that from all of the charms they have you can make yours special to the person you are giving it to.

I photograph a lot of jewellery for local and not so local jewellers. Items can be couriered to me if necessary to be photographed.

Jewellery photographer BirminghamJewellery photographer Birmingham Whether you are looking for a natural background, a white background or a selection of different shots for different uses.

Jewellery photography bromsgroveJewellery photography bromsgrove White backgrounds can be useful if you are putting a catalogue together, or need a pale background for putting items for sale on Etsy, Not on the high street, Amazon or Ebay.

jewellery photographer Kidderminsterjewellery photographer Kidderminster Sometimes it's nice to have a close up of your product as well as an overall view - it helps to give the buyer an idea of what the fabric is like that the product is made from.

product photography worcestershireproduct photography worcestershire product photographer worcestershireproduct photographer worcestershire The point is, that whatever you are selling if your product doesn't look as good as another website selling a similar product to you - then we all know that people will go to the competition to purchase the product. another thing that can help your SEO massively too is to name your photos with relevant product names when you upload them to your website as this helps Google when  your client types in what they are searching for.

On Charge 16 webOn Charge 16 web If you are able to have several photos on your online shop why not show a mixture of angles and close ups and of the product actually being used or worn if possible, this really helps the viewer get a feel of how it will look when they are using or wearing it.

On charge 011 webOn charge 011 web It helps buyers imagine how it would look in their home.

Home is where 2 web copyHome is where 2 web copy

There is a huge amount that can be achieved with some thought to help potential clients decide that they want t buy form your website, but if you don't show your product off to it's full potential then it can't happen. Photos are also great to use in blogs and on instagram, Facebook and other social media platforms, when I shoot for my clients we make sure that we get product photography that will cover all of these outlets for them.

Product Photography WorcestershireProduct Photography Worcestershire

Whatever your product is and whatever you need your product photographs for - catalogues, social media, your website etc why not give me a call and we can have a chat about how you would like them done and what will work best for you.

Tel: 07885472010 or email me at [email protected]




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