The Easter holidays are upon us and kids are off school and the weather appears to be staying good for us, so when you are taking the kids off out for the day don't forget to take your camera with you. A lot of people just take pictures with their phones and whilst that's fine, if you want to blow a photo up into a larger canvas you will need the image to be better quality, so blow the dust from your camera and take it along with you.
12x8inch print
Whether you're going for a walk in the woods, to the park or away on holiday somewhere make sure your batteries are charged and that there is a memory card in the camera ready to go.
If your kids are still young and so not as tall as you yet then get down to their level when you take the photograph, don't look down at them, you'll just see the top of their head and when you're down at their eye level they may perform better for you and the camera too. Small children especially will notice their reflection in the lens and look straight at the camera often.
family portraits worcestershire
Check your lens for sticky fingerprints too - just in case it was the kids that got hold of the camera last before you put it away !
family portraits west midlands
Make them smile, tell them jokes or funny stories - or ask them if they know any jokes - kids always know jokes and laugh out loud at them too, brilliant for getting natural smiley faces.
family portraits bromsgrove
Try a different angle, walking through the woods, watching them walk away makes you think about the adventure they are setting off on. All the fun there is to have in the woods, jumping around, throwing leaves in the air, jumping out from behind trees - climbing trees, going to the woods costs very little - just the cost of the journey there - take a picnic maybe - there are great photos to be had, create your own memorable moments - and capture them - and print them ;-)
How much fun can you have this Easter?
If you would like me to meet you at the woods and capture some of the fun moments for you, please give me a call 07885472010