This last few of weeks has seen a flurry of wedding bookings for me – which is lovely and so having spoken to quite a lot of couples in the last few weeks i thought I would share a few things that you should all be asking your potential wedding photographer- whether it is me or another wedding photographer there are things you need to look for, ask and know to ensure that you book the photographer that is right for you.
S0 – aside from are they free on your Wedding day, you should be asking them if they have public liability insurance. I of course have Public liability insurance.
What do you get included in the price – disc – album or both ? or anything at all in some cases ? I include the dvd of all of the images in colour and also a selection in black and white, plus an online gallery to share with family and friends with discounted print prices.
Ask your photographer how many weddings they have photographed and how recent was the last wedding that they photographed – you may not want a photographer practising on your wedding or a wedding photographer who hasn’t photographed a wedding for ten years either….ask to see a slideshow or portfolio of their work and ask how recent the work is and double check that all of the photos that they are showing are their work or were they shooting the wedding with another photographer too?
Have they photographed at your venue before – if not do they go and look at your venue beforehand ?
wedding photographer crown and sandys Ombersley
Ask the wedding photographer if they carry spare equipment – what happens if your camera packs up and I’m half way down the aisle – this happened at a wedding I was photographing – it’s a great example – bride was half way down the aisle and actually my lens packed up – so i pulled another camera from my hip – already turned on with lens and camera card ready to go and just kept shooting – the bride never knew there was anything wrong… the lens – cost me £300 to repair – but hey – some photographers don’t have lenses that are even worth £300….. ask them what kit they use to whilst you’re at it, and what they would have done in that situation.
wedding photography red house barn stoke priorWedding photography at Red House Barn Stoke Prior near Droitwich, Worcestershire
I have photographed over 300 weddings around Worcestershire, Warwickshire and the West Midlands. I also travel to Wales and London to photograph Weddings and several places in between.
I hope this helps – if you have any questions please just get in touch, you can call me on: 07885472010