I cover all kinds of commercial photographic work. I photograph onsite at factories and warehouses if you need me to, so that you can have photographs of your staff in situ working at machines etc. I also photograph large products/machines onsite for you, so that you don’t have to worry about moving anything large.
I also photograph much smaller products – turned parts, jewellery, rings, bracelets, food items, dog treats, whatever your product I have the knowledge to photograph it. I have 12 years experience photographing jewellery. A lot of photographers will try and photograph jewellery, but to make it look as beautiful as it really is, to get the sparkle from the stone, and the reflections in the metal just so – it is an art form and if you don’t know what you are doing, it is easy to mess it up.
If you own a shop and need some images to add to your website to brighten up your web pages or facebook pages and show potential customers what to expect when they come and see you why not give me a shout. I am also happy to come and do a series of shots in house that you can then use on a series of blogs, tweets and facebook posts, if you are planning promotions throughout the year make sure you have some great images to help sell the products. We all know that bad photos do not sell your products – do you buy anything from the internet when you see a bad photo advertising it? I don’t…. If people don’t care enough about their product to have it photographed well then they probably don’t care about customer service or much else in their business either.
Jewellery photography is an art form.
Whether you need a display photographing or your employees, call me or email for a quote and chat about your exact requirements. Alex 07885472010